
The Foundation Library Development Indonesia was established in 2004 after the library of the Christian University of Indonesia in the Moluccas (UKIM) in Ambon lost all its books because of a completely irresponsible act of arson.

Since then we have sent tens of thousands of English language academic books to UKIM and to other universities and colleges in Indonesia that are  in need of academic books for study and research by students and staff. We have helped university libraries in Ambon, Jayapura, Jakarta, Tomohon, Banjermasin and Kupang.

In the beginning of 2015 the Foundation was able to send over 22,000 scientific books in one large 20ft container to Ambon, which the Foundation bought for this purpose. These books were acquired from the university library of the Protestant Theological University in Kampen, the Netherlands, which had to close down.

image-30-10-15-11-31-2On 30 November 2015 the Container reached the port of Ambon. Shortly thereafter the Container, together with all the books, was transported to the campus of the University.

This was, by far, our biggest project. We are very grateful, that in the end, all the books arrived safely at their destination for use by staff and students of the Christian University of Indonesia in Ambon (UKIM).

We can now close this project which took us about two years to complete. More info: Visit by our Secretary to UKIM in Ambon

In the beginning of 2023 the board came into contact with Dr H.E. Niemeijer who lives in Tangerang and runs a company specialising in digitisation of archives and books. As he has already completed several digitisation projects in cooperation with the National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI, https://anri.go.id),  the Protestant Church of the Moluccas (GPM, https://sinodegpm.id/ ), the PDSGI in Jakarta (https://pdsgi.stftjakarta.ac.id) and the UKDW in Yogyakarta, he is considered an expert in the field of the digitasation of theological libraries and of church archives.  On the basis of a survey conducted by  the four theological institutions with which the foundation cooperates, Dr Niemeijer was commissioned to build on this with the help of his expertise to determine the wishes and needs of our patners with regard to the process of digitasation.  This resulted in a project to start digitising library books and Bachelor, Master and PhD theses and make them available to the collaborating institutions via a joint platform. In 2023 the first phase of what is expected to be a multi-year project could be implemented.

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